William O'Mullane


William O'Mullane has worked on space science projects since 1996 when he assisted with the production of the Hipparcos CDROMS for the European Space Agency. During this period he was also involved with the Planck and Integral science ground segments as well as contemplating the Gaia data processing problem.From 2000-2005 he worked on developing the US National Virtual Observatory (NVO) and on the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) at the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, USA. In August 2005 he rejoined the European Space Agency as Gaia Science Operations Development Manager to lead the European Space Astronomy Centre development effort for Gaia and work with the Data Processing and Analysis Consortium to produce the Gaia catalogue. In 2017 he moved to Rubin Observatory (LSST) as Data Management Project Manager in Tucson, USA. He is now the Rubin Deputy Project Manager for software responsible for Data Management, telescope control and IT in general.

Profile Picture adass-xxxi-2021/question_uploads/wil2013_mPzSGg5.jpg Affiliation

Vera C. Rubin Observatory


Rubin Associate Director Data Production

Twitter handle


GitHub ID


Postal address

950 N Cherry Ave, Tucson, AZ 85719, USA


Rubin Science Platform on Google: the story so far.
William O'Mullane, Frossie Economou

In 2020 Rubin Observatory made a tender for a three year interim data facility. This was won by Google. In partnership with Google we have now deployed the first externally used version of the Rubin Science Platform consisting of a jupyter environment and a portal. Sitting behind this is TAP access to our project developed large scale database Qserv holding a synthetic catalogue of 140 million objects and around 500TB of simulated images. This is hosted on Google Cloud Platform using Terraform and Kubernetes. The initial few hundred users were given access to this in July 2021. In this talk we will describe the system, the initial use and the coming years.

Grand Ballroom